Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Tron - Legacy rocks.
With that out of the way, I can probably say that there are definitely some plot holes and small losses of logistical thinking along the way.  Truly, I don't really care about those problems.  Viewers are given a Wizard of Oz-esque view into the Grid of this magical cyberland through the use of 2D at the beginning of the movie in the 'real world' and the use of 3D while in cyberspace.  The computer world is more magical than technical, with an all powerful master of the world, an ousted wizard like figure, the chosen hero and a princess with a destiny involved.  There's also plenty of glowing weapons and symbiotic mounts that can fly and explode quite prettily.  I would definitely classify this as a fantasy movie rather than sci fi.
This movie gets a 9 out of 10.
It loses points for a rather strange middle area and why there's a bar in a cyberland.

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